Special Interview | Brittany Leo

theaussieword.com catches up with Aussie singer/songwriter Brittany Leo.

Give us an introduction. How did it all begin? What had you first interested in music?
I started singing classes when I began primary school. I joined choirs first and then at around nine years old I started private singing lessons. I have been doing them ever since; together with dance, piano, guitar and more recently, DJ lessons. I’m not too sure why; but I have always been drawn to music. It is a good way to express your thoughts and a great way to bring people together. 

What motivates or influences you in your quest to make great music?
Everyone has a story; something that they have, or are currently experiencing and music is my way of expressing that. Hopefully someone can relate to it, and that’s what makes it great music to me. 

What are your biggest goals you hope to accomplish as an artist?
To continue making music and develop my sound. As you grow up, you experience different things and your sound changes. My goals are to explore that and see where it takes me. 

What can we expect from you in the coming months? Any plans to tour?
Wrapping up 2015 includes my EP launch at EIGHTY-ONE TAPAS BAR in Berwick on 10th November. I do not have a tour planned at the moment but I do have a lot of gigs booked in before the end of the year. I am also looking forward to continuing my radio show ‘PlayON’ and co-hosting ‘1700’. 

Tell us a bit about your latest album and how would you best describe your music?
My debut EP; UNDEFEATED which I released in mid August is a very personal album. The songs tell a story of something I’ve been through or are currently going through. My music has a bit of everything; it is rock and pop with an electronic dance influence. 

Success, what is the secret to it?
I think the only secret to success, is being happy and proud of the things you do. 

What has been your biggest career highlight?
My biggest career highlight has definitely been the release of my EP. It has been cathartic for me to be able to share what I’ve been working on and to tell my story. It has also been great that people are really enjoying the songs. 

Which stars of the music industry do you find inspiring?
My inspirations are quite varied. I love Usher for the way he performs, and Rihanna is a massive influence on my music and the way I sing. I love The Pretty Reckless for their edginess and I really admire artists such as LeAnn Rimes, Kelly Clarkson & Mandy Moore for their incredible voices and beautiful lyrics. 

Any new projects in the pipeline?
I have a few new projects in the pipeline for 2016 and I am really excited to get started. I also plan to get back into the studio and work on some new material. 

The music industry is huge, where do you see yourself a few years from now?
In a few years I hope to see myself still doing what I love; which is making music and performing. 

Name a few of your favourite Aussie artists.
Australian artists are amazing; we have so much talent here. I love RÜFÜS, Mike Waters, Kita Alexandra, The Vanns and Pete Murray. 

The shape of the music industry has changed significantly over the years, including the use of social media, how do you feel about the industry as a whole and what does it mean to you in getting your records out into the public eye?
The music industry has changed a lot and it has impacted the way artists release and promote music. Social media allows us to reach fans but because they are being bombarded by so much information the relationship can become diluted. It has also become extremely difficult for hardworking, talented artists to find people who are actually interested in helping them develop further because so many are just after a quick and easy result. For me, I just love the fact that I have been able to connect with so many people, release my EP and that people have been positive, proud and supportive. 

Thanks for the interview! What final message do you have for us today? 
Thank you for everything. BUY MY EP! 

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