Exclusive Special Interview: Benny Walker

Benny Walker catches up with theaussieword.com for an exclusive interview.

Give us an introduction. How did it all begin? What had you first interested in music?
I grew up in a very musical family. Both of my Grandfather’s played as well as my Dad and his sister. Both my siblings and quite a few of my cousins play an instrument or sing as well.
What motivates or influences you in your quest to make great music?
The freedom to create and express myself through an art form that I love is what keeps me motivated. I always want to better myself as a musician and as a songwriter. That’ll be a life long quest.

What are your biggest goals you hope to accomplish as an artist?
To continue to grow my audience so that I can do this for as long as possible. Making a career out of something you love is an accomplishment in itself I believe.
What can we expect from you in the coming months? Any plans to tour?
The new album “Through The Forest” comes out Friday March 6th. I’ll do a full national tour in support of that, playing all major cities as well as plenty of regional shows too.
Tell us a bit about your latest album and how would you best describe your music?
The new album has some darker moments in there. There are still a few love songs as well but, I went to some places I hadn’t been before. I also put a lot more harmonies on this record than the last one too. 
Success, what is the secret to it?
I don’t think there is any secrets! Find what you really want to do and take the leap. Spend time on your craft and be relentless in it. If you love it you’ll put everything into it and 99% of the time it won’t feel like work.
What has been your biggest career highlight?
There have been a few. But, the one that sticks out the most is Tim Rogers and I joining Blue King Brown onstage at the Apology Concert at Sidney Myer Music Bowl for a rendition of Warumpi Band’s “Blackfella/Whitefella”
Which stars of the music industry do you find inspiring?
I usually admire great singer/songwriters. Ray LaMontagne, Ryan Adams, Neil Young. They just write so much great stuff. Australia-wise I think Tim Rogers is a brilliant songwriter and an electric performer. Dan Sultan is a great performer too.
Any new projects in the pipeline?
For now I’m concentrating on getting the band ready for the “Through The Forest” tour. Some shows will feature a 9 piece band, so there will be a lot of rehearsing etc.
The music industry is huge, where do you see yourself a few years from now?
Continuing to write, record and play lots of live shows. I’m keen to do some co-writing and collaberations too.
Name a few of your favourite Aussie artists.
Dan Sultan, Pete Murray, Tim Rogers, Diesel, Angus and Julia Stone, Thelma Plum, Hilltop Hoods, The Delta Riggs.
The shape of the music industry has changed significantly over the years, including the use of social media, how do you feel about the industry as a whole and what does it mean to you in getting your records out into the public eye?
The use of social media can go both ways. It’s great to be able to interact with folks that are into your music but, on the flipside there is so much stuff out there for people to sift through. I think that’s why playing live is so important. Most physical record sales happen at live shows.
Thanks for the interview! What final message do you have for us today? 
Stay tuned for “Through The Forest” out on March 6 and the National tour that will follow!


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